Love Notes Chorus (LNC) is Austin’s first Alzheimer's choir and is under the auspices of Music Memories Austin, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
We have grown to a choir of 90 and ask that all members stay up-to-date with COVID, FLU, and any other necessary vaccinations to keep everyone as safe as possible.
Interested? Contact Edie Elkjer (Musical Director) and Susie Higley (Administrative Coordinator) via email at: musicmemoriesaustin@gmail.com
or call Love Notes Chorus at
(512) 797-4465.
Ready to see Love Notes Chorus Perform?
Check out PERFORMANCES and mark your calendar to join us!
Love Notes Chorus appreciates the generosity of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church of Austin.
What People Are Saying About LNC...
“My husband and I have attended Love Notes Chorus since its inception. The founders and volunteers are loving and caring as well as musically talented. From vocal exercises and simple movements to learning the composers' stories behind the songs, all our experiences are enjoyable. Listening to all kinds of music from different eras stirs forgotten memories of long ago. Best of all, we have so much FUN!!!" (Renee Pruitt, care partner)
"Each practice is a refuge ... Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" (Alison Romano, daughter and caregiver)
"My husband was very new during the last concert. He thoroughly enjoyed every rehearsal and is now excited about giving an intro for the next concert." (Dona Reynolds, wife and care partner)
"The intros during our concerts are so special because they highlight the courage of our members and their care partners." (Gretchen Blackburn, volunteer)
"Our favorite part of Love Notes Chorus is the camaraderie." (JoAnn Gordon, wife and care partner)
"My mom and I had two long car trips and listened to the entire practice CD on each trip! I realized how helpful that was for her and how it helped her feel comfortable during the concert. I loved it too!" (Hannah Weldon, daughter and caregiver)
"When we lost one of our choir members to Alzheimer's, I wasn't sure if I could sing our song of remembrance, but figured if her husband could manage, so could I!" (Merry Wheaton, wife and care partner)
"Everything about Love Notes Chorus is GREAT! How could we want more? We love it all! We find ourselves smiling more! (Paul and Donna Kreuzer, partner and care partner)

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Love Notes Chorus, a special project of Music Memories Austin will be starting our fall season with weekly rehearsals beginning Monday, September 16, 2024, from 10 - noon in Huffman Hall at St. Matt's Episcopal Church (located at 8134 Mesa Drive, Austin, TX 78759.)
There is no musical experience necessary, however it can be helpful. We provide volunteers to help with singing, snacks, water, a plethora of hugs, and genuine fun!
Our rehearsals will culminate in a performance scheduled for December 7, 2024, in the sanctuary of St. Matt's Episcopal Church.
We will take a break over the holidays and resume in January.
There are no membership dues, however, we do ask that members stay up-to-date with all boosters regarding Covid and Flu to keep our fellow members as safe as possible. (Some are very compromised.)
If you or someone you love is experiencing memory loss, dementia (including various forms of Alzheimer's), or other cognitive issues, and would benefit from singing in a group choral setting, please feel free to contact us at musicmemoriesaustin@gmail.com
A Gift of Love
Music Memories Austin, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) under the direction of Edie Elkjer, and her business partner, Susie Higley, began facilitating workshops three years ago at Memory Powered by Active Connections (MPAC), St. Matthew’s respite care for people with memory loss.
Realizing the tremendous impact of music on people suffering from this debilitating disease, Edie and Susie were inspired to learn more about Giving Voice Chorus, a chorus made up of persons with memory loss, their caregivers, and volunteers which began in Minneapolis/St. Paul. This encouraged Edie and Susie to launch Love Notes Chorus (LNC) in September 2019.
LNC is made up of the ideal ratio recommended by Giving Voice of one-third persons with varying stages of memory loss, one-third caregivers, and one-third volunteers.
To learn more about how you can participate in LNC, email
Edie Elkjer or Susie Higley at: